Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year’s Resolution

Goodbye 2008, hello 2009!

Another year had passed. And if I am to evaluate it, I think that I did pretty good. Though I ended it with me still being employed, I will welcome this year (2009) as a jobless chicka. Blame it to the marines!!! (Hey, what do they have to do with it?)

Were you able to make your new year’s resolution? I know that most of us are not doing this list anymore since we are made to break them, ayt? But there’s no harm in listing the things that you don’t like in yourself and trying to make them disappear! (Hello Houdini!)

Let me see… mine will be
1) eat less, work out more (I need all the help I can get!)
2) to be a less whiner (I do apologize to those people whose energy were
drained because of whiner me)
3) be patient
4) read more
5) work harder
6) pray

These are just few of my new year’s resolution. I hope that I might be able to do better this year, not only in my ‘future’ work, but as a friend, daughter and a sister.

So, what’s yours?

Have a blessed new year!

1 comment:

  1. eat healthy... read more... try and try to learn how to cook (too hard for me, really!!!)
